Adventure Friday package

During the final year of preschool we offer our children the opportunity to attend our Adventure Fridays, a level up from our usual days in setting when we go offsite and explore the wider world. They are a fantastic way to build resilience and confidence ready for the next step after preschool, whatever that may be.

Adventure Fridays are run by level 3 Forest School practitioner, Chris, and Level 2 Outdoor Learning Practitioner, Carol, all staff have paediatric first aid and outdoor first aid training.

The day runs with a higher staff to child ratio to allow us to safely explore off site around the village and surrounding countryside and engage in more risky activities and tool use.

Our Adventure Friday package also includes -

  • Nutritious breakfast, morning snack and afternoon snack

  • External visitors

  • Sustainability and environment teaching

  • Mindfulness activities

  • Camp fire cookery

  • Training in the safe use of tools

  • Wild crafting

  • Woodwork and sewing

  • Road safety

  • Access to Tracy’s woods

  • Local community involvement

  • Events such as Christmas Tree Farm visit, village carol singing etc

  • Allotment work

  • Nature studies

  • Local history studies

  • Trips to the shop

  • Hire of the scout hut when required (e.g. on the Christmas tree hunt)

  • Payment for food on trips if appropriate (e.g. ice creams in summer)

  • Local hikes and much more

Due to the increased opportunity of activities and support in these sessions the Education, Health and Wellbeing Package fee increases slightly for these sessions in line with the non funded rate for a Friday to help us to cover our costs of additional staff, resourcing and opportunities.

EHW package fee for a Friday full day (at the time of writing): £18

Adventure Friday non funded day rate (at the time of writing): £54

Please be advised that following the recent budget announcement regarding minimum wage and national insurance that our fees will be reviewed again for the start of the next financial year (April 25).

Dec 24