Promoting equality and valuing diversity

We believe that no child, individual or family should be excluded from Clophill Preschool's activities on grounds of age, gender, sexuality, class, family status, means, learning difficulty or ability, home language, colour, ethnic origin, culture, religion or belief.

We will ensure that our service is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children. We recognise that children and their families come from diverse backgrounds as do our staff. All families have needs and values that arise from their social and economic, ethnic and cultural or religious backgrounds. Children grow up in diverse family structures that include two parent and one parent families.  Some children have two parents of the same sex. Some children have close links with extended families of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins while others may be more removed from close kin or may live with other relatives or foster carers. Some children have needs that arise from disability or impairment or may have parents that are affected by disability or impairment.

Our setting is committed to anti-discriminatory practice to promote equality of opportunity and valuing diversity for all children and families and to make inclusion a thread that runs through all of the activities of the setting.

Most importantly, we want people to be empowered to share who they are with us and to feel comfortable to do so.

We provide a secure and accessible environment in which all children can flourish and in which all contributions are considered and valued. We promote positive information about gender roles and diverse family structures, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and disabled people. We strive to improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity.  

Our setting provides access to enhance all children’s cultural capital from artifacts from around the world to discussion of other cultures and sharing and celebrating children’s life events and backgrounds. Staff and visitors are encouraged to share their interests and experiences.

Our preschool recognises the wide range of special needs and abilities of children and families in our community and consider/have awareness of what part we need to play in meeting these needs.

Staff at Clophill Preschool are interested in the diversity of the lives of others and actively encourage the sharing of such in our setting whether by children, their parents or the wider community with a view to supporting, valuing or celebrating these differences. You may see some of us wearing our LGBTQIA+ ally lanyards, we wear these to signify our support.

Staff are expected not to make unfair judgements on children or their families and to be inclusive in their practice. Preschool is keen to educate staff about their use of language and the impact it can have on others as well as how important it is to be aware of unconscious bias.

Staff are expected to challenge each other should they feel this policy is not being followed and should model inclusivity, acceptance and kindness.

Feb 24