Imminent threat

At Clophill Preschool we understand the need to plan for all eventualities to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all the children we care for and the staff and visitors in our setting. We are aware that because we go out and about to the wider areas of the village, we may be more likely to encounter a person or animal who may wish us harm, in this event it is important all staff understand what procedure to follow.


We aim to keep all children and adults at Clophill Preschool safe from harm. If we can plan for the unlikely to happen, we will be in a better position to remain calm and keep everyone safe.


As a setting we are well versed in safety procedures within and around our setting. However, when we go out of our area of control for example on a walk or on Adventure Fridays when we often go beyond the boundaries of the village hall, it is important we know what to do in case we encounter a threat of harm from a third party.                                        

The safety of the children in our care is paramount. Parents are asked when enrolling to give permission for children to explore beyond our fences and into the wider space of the Village Hall grounds and if they attend Adventure Friday, permission is sought to go to Tracy’s woods and beyond.                                

It is made clear to staff the importance of staying calm and knowing procedure during any incident that may harm or endanger any child, staff member or visitor to Clophill Preschool. It is important every staff member and volunteer fully understand the procedure.

Threat while away from setting

A threat of harm could be from a person that we may come across in the outdoors or an animal such as a dog. If staff feel threatened, and they are not at preschool to follow Lock Down procedure, then procedure is -

  • The manager or deputy should ask the person to move away (if appropriate)

  • Other members of staff must collect the children in one group and move them away from the threat while keeping themselves between the children and the threat

  • Staff may call for help if other people are nearby, or phone 999 if needed

  • If there is a safe place to move to e.g. the Eco Lodges or a house, staff and children should go there

It must be remembered that though these are guidelines to follow, in the unlikely case of such an event, while staff will endeavour to keep the children safe and themselves a barrier to the threat, that no situation can be predicted completely.

In the case of abduction

If a member of staff witnesses an actual or potential abduction from preschool we have the following procedures:

  • The staff member will notify management immediately who will then take control

  • The police must be called immediately 

  • The parent(s) will be contacted

  • All other children will be kept safe and secure without unnecessary alarm

  • The police will be given as many details as possible including details of the child, description of the abductor, car registration number if used, time and direction of travel if seen and any family situations that may impact on this abduction. 


In the case of an abusive adult

  • If any adult coming into setting presents as what staff deem to be abusive, threatening or violent they should seek a manger

  • The person should be dealt with firmly and calmly

  • Where possible they should be removed from the main area to an empty space e.g. front of the hall - management can continue to talk with the person if they feel the situation can be diffused, there should be a minimum of 2 managers attending the situation

  • If there is no diffusion the person should be asked to leave if necessary, if we believe there is a significant safeguarding threat then the police should be called

  • Following any incident the member of staff involved should write a Communication form account of the incident for safeguarding purposes - this only needs to be shared with and signed by staff

  • The adult may be then asked not to return to setting in future or parameters might be put in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff and children



OFSTED should be notified within 14 days via the online form:

OFSTED reporting form

Please click the link to see which incidents need reporting.

Feb 24