

  • Parents/carers must complete a Medication consent form

  • A care plan should also be completed in some cases

  • The completed form is kept together with the correct medicine in a wallet (unless they need to be kept refrigerated) in a named pouch with the child’s photo in the wall hanger

  • If any child has been prescribed anti-biotics they may not attend preschool until 48 hours following the initial dose has been given in case of an adverse reaction

  • All medicines must be stored in the original container

  • Medicines should be administered by management team only unless a staff member has been specifically trained to administer, in which case a manager should be present to support the staff member

  • All administering of drugs should be recorded on the back of the Medical consent form and signed by the staff administering

  • Two members of staff should oversee administration

  • If the administration of prescribed medication requires medical knowledge, individual training is provided for the relevant member of staff by a health professional

  • Unused medicines will be returned to the parent/carer

  • Medication that has not been prescribed may be given at parents request an in accordance with the instructions on the original packaging

Feb 24