Why do we ask your child to do a minimum number of sessions at our preschool?
We require children to do a minimum number of sessions (one session = 3 hours) over Monday to Thursday:
2 year olds - two sessions over two days
3&4 year olds - three sessions over two or more days
Our Adventure Friday sessions count as an additional day and are not counted in this minimum.
Allowing your child more time with us at our preschool each week allows them to…
• settle more easily reducing stress
•fully access all that the setting offers
•encourage friendships with peers
•form better attachments to the adults
•revisit activities, resources, interactions more frequently to build up understanding, learning and resilience
It also allows staff the opportunity to get to know your child properly and build a strong bond
There is an expectation that children start with fewer sessions and build up your child’s time with us in preparation for full time education to include the Adventure Friday in their final year.
June 24