Sharing between settings

Our best practice is to have an holistic view of every child. This means finding out as much information from parents to start with about their child and continuing this relationship to ensure we have a clear connection with the families to discuss developments and changes in each child’s Iife. For children who attend another setting while with us or go to a childminder, we also share information about how the child is getting on and include any concerns, next steps or safeguarding issues. We request that the setting reciprocates on a termly basis: we have an online sharing form that we send out to settings to complete about the child they share with us. This information is reviewed by the key worker and added to the child’s Learning Journey.

Each key worker completes a termly summary form about each child in their care, this document is shared with the parent and, with their permission, is also sent to the shared setting via email. This information is reviewed by the key worker and added to the child’s Learning Journey. If there is any concern or query regarding the progress or development of the child staff are encouraged to phone the other setting to discuss.

Sharing procedure

  • At induction each parent is asked for permission to share information about their child’s development with any setting or childminder they share. They are asked to share all relevant information about the other provision with preschool.

  • If a child starts with us and already attends another setting we send out, via email, a link to our Sharing 365 form for the other setting to complete, this is done within the first 2 weeks of them starting.

  • If a child joins another setting while staying with us Chris will take the most recent completed Summary form and send it to the setting along with the 365 Sharing form to be completed. Once again it is the responsibility of the individual key worker to inform Chris when they have a child that shares and to let Chris know when they have not received the forms.

  • At the end of each term (in the last 2 weeks) Chris sends out each Summary form, password protected on email, along with a link to the blank 365 sharing form (to be completed) and asks for the setting to acknowledge receipt.

  • At the start of each term if there has been no response, Chris will send a reminder email. Continued lack of response then receives further emails and phone calls. The parent is made aware if the other setting does not respond.

  • If a child joins another setting while staying with us Chris will take the most recent completed Summary form and send it to the setting along with the 365 Sharing form to be completed. Once again it is the responsibility of the individual key worker to inform Chris when they have a child that shares.

  • All sharing documents ask if there are any safeguarding concerns for the child. If there are concerns from either setting the key worker will need to phone the other setting to discuss further and ask for protected records to be shared or annotate on a Communication form any information they think needs to be kept, this is then stored in the child’s section in the Safeguarding and Medical folder.

Feb 24