
Our outdoor preschool believes being outside throughout the ever-changing seasons is the best way in which to learn, develop and look after our mental health and wellbeing. We are out in all weathers unless it is so adverse as to be assumed a danger to life or wellbeing and so we assess risks daily.

Staff must be aware of the weather making continuous assessment daily to consider how it may adversely affect the children, and possibly the setting, and react accordingly ensuring this is communicated to all staff.

Preschool is Sun Protection Accredited to the Outdoor Kids Sun Safety Code.

(Please see Sun Safety policy).

Risks to be aware of:

(Please also see Beaufort scale in Adventure Friday Handbook).


The decision to close preschool or to not open for our Adventure Friday session due to weather is implemented in the following circumstances

  • When preschool has been damaged or possibly could be damaged by the weather

  • The carpark is too dangerous to allow access to parents and children

  • Being able to maintain correct ratios due to staff absence

  • The temperature is not deemed as reasonable working conditions (The workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992 states….’during working hours, the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings shall be reasonable’) this would probably due to a failure in the heating system combined with cold weather

  • Flooding

(Please see Emergency closure, evacuation and lockdown policy)


Parents are informed of the importance of their children being properly prepared for all weather and are given clothing ideas, this includes essential waterproofs and footwear.

Parents in receipt of 2 year funding (for low income families or children with DLA) or EYPP are given a free set of waterproofs for their child.

We provide our staff with clothing advice and provide a large proportion of their uniform to enable them to feel comfortable in the elements, however staff are expected to wear appropriate clothing for all weathers and source anything they require that preschool doesn’t provide.

Parents are shown examples of appropriate clothing at Open Days and at Enrolment, advice and links can be found in the New Starter Guide and on the Clothing Guide tab at the bottom of the website pages.

Adventure Fridays require similar clothing but parents are informed of the more adverse conditions their children may face, they are shown the Adventure Friday Handbook. There is an Adventure Friday agreement for parents to sign to show their commitment to ensuring their child comes appropriately dressed or each Friday session.

Preschool has limited spare clothing in case of emergency but these should not be relied upon:

•          waterproof trousers

•          waterproof coats

•          gloves/mittens

•          spare base layer clothing

•          sun hats

•          wellies


Parents/carers need to make independent decisions on their ability to reach preschool in adverse weather conditions; the safety of their children and families is paramount, and they should not put themselves at risk.

Staff members need to make independent decisions on their ability to attend work in severe weather conditions; their safety is paramount, and they should not put themselves at risk.

Feb 24